§ 116B‑56. Rules for taking custody.
(a) Except as otherwise provided in this Chapter or by otherstatute of this State, property that is presumed abandoned, whether located inthis or another state, is subject to the custody of this State if:
(1) The last known address of the apparent owner, as shown onthe records of the holder, is in this State;
(2) The records of the holder do not reflect the identity of theperson entitled to the property, and it is established that the last knownaddress of the person entitled to the property is in this State;
(3) The records of the holder do not reflect the last knownaddress of the apparent owner and it is established that:
a. The last known address of the person entitled to theproperty is in this State; or
b. The holder is domiciled in this State or is a government orgovernmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality of this State and has notpreviously paid or delivered the property to the state of the last knownaddress of the apparent owner or other person entitled to the property;
(4) The last known address of the apparent owner, as shown onthe records of the holder, is in a state that does not provide for the escheator custodial taking of the property, and the holder is domiciled in this Stateor is a government or governmental subdivision, agency, or instrumentality ofthis State;
(5) The last known address of the apparent owner, as shown onthe records of the holder, is in a foreign country, and the holder is domiciledin this State or is a government or governmental subdivision, agency, orinstrumentality of this State; or
(6) The property is a traveler's check or money order purchasedin this State or the issuer of the traveler's check or money order has itsprincipal place of business in this State and the issuer's records show thatthe instrument was purchased in a state that does not provide for the escheator custodial taking of the property or do not show the state in which theinstrument was purchased.
(b) In the case of an amount payable under the terms of anannuity or insurance policy, the last known address of the person entitled tothe property is presumed to be the same as the last known address of theinsured or the principal, as shown on the records of the insurance company, if:
(1) A person other than the insured or the principal is entitledto the property; and
(2) Either:
a. No address of the person is known to the insurance company;or
b. The records of the insurance company do not reflect theidentity of the person. (1999‑460, s. 6.)