§ 116B‑62. Preparationof list of owners by Treasurer.
(a) There shall bedelivered annually in an electronic format to the Administrative Office of theCourts to be distributed to the clerk of superior court of each county a listprepared by the Treasurer of escheated and abandoned property reported to theTreasurer. The list shall contain all of the following:
(1) The names, if known,in alphabetical order of surname, and last known addresses, if any, of apparentowners of escheated and abandoned property as of June 30 of that year.
(2) The names andaddresses of the holders of the abandoned property.
(3) A statement thatclaim and proof of legal entitlement to escheated or abandoned property shallbe presented by the owner to the Treasurer, which statement shall set forthwhere further information may be obtained.
The Treasurer shall send thelist to the Administrative Office of the Courts as soon as possible after June30 of each year but no later than July 31, and the Administrative Office of theCourts shall distribute the list to each clerk of superior court as soon aspossible after receiving it but no later than August 31.
(b) At the time thelists are distributed to the clerks of superior court, but no later than August31 of each year, the Treasurer shall cause to be published once each week fortwo consecutive weeks, in at least two newspapers having general circulation inthis State, a notice stating the nature of the lists and that the lists areavailable for inspection at the offices of the respective clerks of superiorcourt, together with any other information the Treasurer deems appropriate toappear in the notice.
(c) The Treasurer isnot required to include in any list any item of a value, as determined by theTreasurer, in the Treasurer's discretion, of less than fifty dollars ($50.00),unless the Treasurer deems inclusion of items of lesser amounts to be in thepublic interest.
(d) The clerks ofsuperior court shall make the lists available for public inspection.
(e) The lists preparedby the Treasurer shall include only escheated and abandoned property reportedfor the current reporting date and are not required to be cumulative lists ofescheated and abandoned property previously reported.
(f) Notwithstandingthe provisions of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes, the supporting data andlists of apparent owners of unclaimed property held by a clerk of superiorcourt or any other office of State or local government may be confidential butshall be disclosed to the Treasurer in accordance with the reporting ofescheated and abandoned property. The supporting data and lists of apparentowners of escheated and abandoned property held by the Treasurer may beconfidential until six months after the list to the clerks of superior courtrequired by subsection (b) of this section has been distributed. Thissubsection shall not apply to owners of reported property making inquiriesabout their property to the Escheat Fund. (1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1311, s. 1; 1981, c. 531, ss. 9‑13;1983, c. 204, ss. 4‑7; 1985, c. 215, s. 4; 1987, c. 163, ss. 4, 5; 1999‑460,s. 6; 2009‑312, s. 1.)