§ 116B‑64. Incomeor gain accruing after payment or delivery.
If property other than money is delivered to the Treasurer under thisChapter, the owner is entitled to receive from the Treasurer any income or gainrealized or accruing on the property at or before liquidation or conversion ofthe property into money. If the property is interest‑bearing or paysdividends, the interest or dividends shall be paid until the date on which theamount of the deposits, accounts, or funds, or the shares must be remitted ordelivered to the Treasurer under G.S. 116B‑61. Otherwise, when propertyis delivered or paid to the Treasurer, the Treasurer shall hold the propertywithout liability for income or gain. (1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1311, s. 1; 1999‑460, s. 6.)