§ 116B‑75. Enforcement.
(a) The Treasurer may maintain an action in this or anotherstate to enforce this Chapter.
(b) The Treasurer may order a person required to report, pay, ordeliver property under this Chapter, or an officer or employee of the person,or a person having possession, custody, care, or control of records relevant tothe matter under inquiry, or any other person having knowledge of the propertyor records, to appear before the Treasurer, at a time and place named in theorder, and to produce the records and to give such testimony under oath oraffirmation relevant to the inquiry. For purposes of this subsection, theTreasurer may administer oaths or affirmations. If a person refuses to obey anorder of the Treasurer, the Treasurer may apply to the Superior Court of WakeCounty for an order requiring the person to obey the order of the Treasurer.Failure to comply with the court order is punishable for contempt. (1999‑460, s. 6.)