§ 116D‑42. Definitions.
The following definitions apply in this Article:
(1) Bonds. Bonds authorized to be issued under this Article,including refunding bonds.
(2) Community college. Defined in G.S. 115D‑2.
(3) Community college general obligation bonds. Bondsauthorized to be issued under this Article, including refunding bonds.
(4) Community Colleges System Office. The North CarolinaCommunity Colleges System Office, created by Article 1 of Chapter 115D of theGeneral Statutes, or if the Community Colleges System Office is abolished orotherwise divested of its functions under this Article, the public bodysucceeding it in its principal functions, or upon which are conferred by lawthe rights, powers, and duties given by this Article to the Community CollegesSystem Office.
(5) Notes. Notes issued under this Article. (2000‑3, s. 1.2.)