§ 119‑26.3. MTBE inmotor fuels prohibited.
(a) Definitions. Asused in this section:
(1) "Motorfuel" has the same meaning as in G.S. 105‑449.60.
(2) "MTBE"means the fuel additive methyl tertiary butyl ether.
(b) Prohibition; DeMinimis Exception. No person shall knowingly add MTBE to any motor fuelmanufactured, distributed, stored, sold, or offered for sale in this State. Noperson shall manufacture, distribute, store, sell, or offer for sale motor fuelthat contains a concentration of MTBE of more than one‑half of onepercent (0.5%) by volume in this State. The presence of MTBE in a motor fuelcaused solely by incidental commingling of the motor fuel with other motor fuelthat contains MTBE during transfer or storage of the motor fuel does not constitutea violation of this section.
(c) TransportationThrough State Not Prohibited. This section shall not be construed to prohibitthe transport of motor fuel containing MTBE through this State.
(d) Rules. TheGasoline and Oil Inspection Board shall adopt rules to implement this section. (2005‑93, s. 1.)