§ 119‑27. Display of grade rating on pumps,etc.; sales from pumps or devices not labeled; sale of gasoline not meetingstandard indicated on label.
In the event that the Gasoline and Oil Inspection Board shall adoptstandards for grades of gasoline, at all times there shall be firmly attachedto or painted on each dispensing pump or other dispensing device used in theretailing of gasoline a label stating that the gasoline contained therein isNorth Carolina ______ grade. Any person, firm, partnership, or corporation whoshall offer or expose for sale gasoline from any dispensing pump or otherdispensing device which has not been labeled as required by this section,and/or offer and expose for sale any gasoline which does not meet the requiredstandard for the grade indicated on the label attached to the dispensing pumpor other dispensing device, shall be guilty of a Class 2 misdemeanor, and thegasoline offered or exposed for sale shall be confiscated.
The gasoline and oil inspectors shall have the authority to immediatelyseize and seal, to prevent further sales, any dispensing pump or otherdispensing device from which gasoline is offered or exposed for sale inviolation of or without complying with the provisions of this Article. Provided, however, that this section shall not be construed to permit thedestruction of any gasoline which may be blended or rerefined or offered forsale as complying with the legal specifications of a lower grade except underorder of the court in which an indictment is brought for violation of theprovisions of this Article. Provided, further, that gasoline that has beenconfiscated and sealed by the gasoline and oil inspectors for violation of theprovisions of this Article shall not be offered or exposed for sale until theDirector of the Gasoline and Oil Inspection Division has been fully satisfiedthat the gasoline offered or exposed for sale has been blended or rerefined orproperly labeled to meet the requirements of this Article and the owners ofsaid gasoline have been notified in writing of this fact by said Director and,provided, further, that the permitting of blending, rerefining or properlylabeling of confiscated gasoline shall not be construed to in any manner affectany indictment which may be brought for violation of this section. (1937, c. 425, s. 11; 1939, c. 276, s. 1; 1941, c.220; 1993, c. 539, s. 905; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c).)