§119‑43. Display required on containers used inmaking deliveries.
Every person delivering at wholesale or retail any gasoline in thisState shall deliver the same to the purchaser only in tanks, barrels, casks,cans, or other containers having the word "Gasoline" or the name ofsuch other like products of petroleum, as the case may be, in English, plainlystenciled or labeled in colors to meet the requirements of the regulationsadopted by the Commissioner of Agriculture and/or the Gasoline and Oil InspectionBoard. Such dealers shall not deliver kerosene oil in any barrel, cask, can, orother container which has not been stenciled or labeled as hereinbeforeprovided. Every person purchasing gasoline for use or sale shall procure andkeep the same only in tanks, barrels, casks, cans, or other containersstenciled or labeled as hereinbefore provided: Provided, that nothing in thissection shall prohibit the delivery of gasoline by hose or pipe from a tankdirectly into the tank of any automobile or any other motor vehicle: Providedfurther, that in case gasoline or other inflammable liquid is sold in bottles,cans, or packages of not more than one gallon for cleaning and other similarpurposes, the label shall also bear the words "Unsafe when exposed to heator fire." (1937, c. 425, s. 26;1939, c. 276, s. 4; 1949, c. 1167.)