§ 120‑100. Term ofoffice; vacancies.
(a) Appointments to theLegislative Ethics Committee shall be made immediately after the convening ofthe regular session of the General Assembly in odd‑numbered years. Theterm of office for members of the Legislative Ethics Committee shall be fouryears from the date of the convening of the General Assembly in which themember is appointed to the Committee. Members shall not serve two consecutivefull terms.
(b) A vacancy occurs onthe Legislative Ethics Committee when a member resigns or is no longer a memberof the General Assembly. A vacancy occurring for any reason during a term shallbe filled for the unexpired term by the authority making the appointment whichcaused the vacancy, and the person appointed to fill the vacancy shall, ifpossible, be a member of the same political party as the member who caused thevacancy, from a list of two nominees submitted by that party's leader.
(c) In the event amember of the Legislative Ethics Committee is unable to act on a specificmatter before the Legislative Ethics Committee, and so indicates in writing tothe appointing officer and the Legislative Ethics Committee, the appointingofficer may appoint another member of the respective chamber from a list of twomembers submitted by the majority leader or minority leader who nominated themember who is unable to act on the matter to serve as a member of theLegislative Ethics Committee for the specific matter only. If on any specificmatter, the number of members of the Legislative Ethics Committee who areunable to act on a specific matter exceeds four members, the appropriateappointing officer shall appoint other members of the General Assembly to serveas members of the Legislative Ethics Committee for that specific matter only. (1975, c. 564, s. 1; 1995,c. 180, s. 2; 2004‑199, s. 31(e); 2009‑10, s. 2.)