§ 120‑149.3. Assessmentof new licensing boards.
(a) Any legislativeproposal introduced in the General Assembly after the effective date of thisact proposing (1) the establishment of a new licensing board, or (2) a study ofthe need to establish a new licensing board, shall not be eligible forconsideration on the floor of either house (other than first reading) or beforeany committee of either house of the General Assembly until a final assessmentreport has been issued pursuant to G.S. 120‑149.4(e), with a copy of thereport accompanying the proposal in accordance with the rules of theappropriate house.
(b) If the proposal toestablish a new licensing board is first contained in a legislative proposal,the sponsor shall present a copy of the legislative proposal to the LegislativeCommittee on New Licensing Boards which shall prepare an assessment report. Ifthe proposal is not in the form of a legislative proposal, the person ororganization seeking to establish a new licensing board may obtain an assessmentreport from the Committee only if a legislator requests such a report.
(c) If a legislativeproposal receives a favorable report but does not become law during thebiennial session in which it is introduced, a new assessment report shall berequired before the same or a substantially similar legislative proposal may beconsidered after first reading or by any committee during a subsequent biennialsession of the General Assembly. If a proposal receives a favorable report butis not introduced as a legislative proposal, the favorable report shall expireat the adjournment of the biennial session coinciding with or followingissuance of the final report.
(d) A preliminaryassessment report shall be prepared and returned to the sponsor or requestinglegislator as soon as possible and not later than 60 days after the Committeereceives the request, provided that if the volume of requests makes preparationof all such reports impossible within that time, the Committee may extend thetime for preparation of any report to a maximum of 90 days from the time therequest is received. The Committee shall not consider any request until it hasreceived the information required by G.S. 120‑149.4(a).
(e) If an amendment orcommittee substitute to a legislative proposal is introduced, the appropriatecommittee chairman, the presiding officer of the appropriate house, or thesponsor of the proposal may request a supplementary report when, in the opinionof any of them, the amendment or committee substitute substantially alters thelegislative proposal. The supplementary report shall be prepared and returnedto the requesting individual, and to the sponsor, within 30 days after theCommittee receives the request.
(f) Each assessmentreport shall be designated as either preliminary, final, or supplementary andshall not constitute any part of the expression of legislative intent proposedby the formation of a new licensing board. An unfavorable final report shallnot bar further consideration of the proposal on the floor or by any committeeof either house.
(g) The Committee shallmake all reports, including supplementary reports, available to all members ofthe General Assembly. At least one copy of all preliminary, final, andsupplementary reports shall be maintained in the Legislative Library for publicinspection. (1987, c. 180, s. 1; 1995, c. 20, s. 14.)