§120‑164. Notification.
(a) Not later than fivedays before submitting the petition to the Commission, the petitioners shallnotify:
(1) The board or boardsof county commissioners of the county or counties where the proposedmunicipality is located;
(2) All cities withinthat county or counties; and
(3) All cities in anyother county that are within five miles of the proposed municipality of theintent to present the petition to the Commission.
(b) The petitionersshall also publish, one per week for two consecutive weeks, with the secondpublication no later than seven days before submitting the petition to theCommission, notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the area proposedto be incorporated of the intent to present the petition to the Commission. (1985(Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1003, s. 1.)