§120‑186.1. Commission; Alzheimer's Subcommittee, Long‑Term CareSubcommittee, and other subcommittees.
(a) The Commissioncochairs shall appoint subcommittees as needed to assist with the completion ofthe work of the Commission. These subcommittees may include an Alzheimer'sSubcommittee, a Long‑Term Care Subcommittee, or other special subjectsubcommittees. The cochairs shall appoint as members of any subcommittee notmore than four Commission members and at least four but no more than eight non‑Commissionmembers.
(b) The Commissioncochairs shall prescribe the duties of any subcommittee created. Duties of theAlzheimer's Subcommittee may include conducting studies on the availability andefficacy of currently existing geriatric or memory disorder services andprograms, advising the Commission on matters regarding Alzheimer's services andprograms, and recommending to the Commission solutions to related problems.Duties of the Long‑Term Care Subcommittee may include developing a long‑termcare policy for the State that has at least the following elements:
(1) Promotes elderindependence, choice, and dignity;
(2) Provides a seamless,uniform system of flexible and responsive services;
(3) Provides single‑entryaccess;
(4) Includes a widerange of home and community‑based services available to all elderly whoneed them but targeted primarily to the most frail, needy elderly;
(5) Provides care andservices at the least expense in the least confusing manner and based on thedesires of the elder population and their families;
(6) Expands Medicaidincome eligibility to allow more services in the home and community;
(7) Creates a singleagency and budget stream to administer services to the elderly; and
(8) Approaches long‑termcare within the context of the entire health care system. (1989,c. 368, s. 1; 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 583, s. 1; 1999‑76, s. 1.)