§ 120‑19. Stateofficers, etc., upon request, to furnish data and information to legislativecommittees or commissions.
Except as provided in G.S. 105‑259,all officers, agents, agencies and departments of the State are required togive to any committee of either house of the General Assembly, or any committeeor commission whose funds are appropriated or transferred to the GeneralAssembly or to the Legislative Services Commission for disbursement, uponrequest, all information and all data within their possession, or ascertainablefrom their records. This requirement is mandatory and shall include requestsmade by any individual member of the General Assembly or one of its standingcommittees or the chair of a standing committee. (Resolution 19, 1937, p. 927;1993, c. 485, s. 37; 2001‑491, s. 33.1.)