Committee Activity.
§ 120‑19.1. Hearings;examination of witnesses; counsel.
(a) Committees ofeither the House or Senate of the General Assembly of North Carolina may holdseparate or joint hearings, call witnesses, and compel testimony relevant toany bill, resolution or other matter properly before the committee.
(b) Witnesses may beexamined under oath.
(c) When any person isexamined before a committee, any member wishing to ask a question must addressit to the chairman or presiding officer, who repeats the question or directsthe witness to answer the member's question. Staff members or counsel employedby the committee may propound questions to the chairman for a witness toanswer.
(d) Objections to thepropriety of a question are directed to the committee as a whole. Thecommittee must determine whether the objection is to be sustained or overruledby majority vote of the committee.
(e) When any witness isexamined under oath, the proceedings must be taken and transcribed verbatim. Upon request, a witness must be furnished a copy of the transcript of hisappearance before the committee.
(f) Witnesses may beaccompanied by their own counsel for the purpose of advising them concerningtheir rights. (1973, c. 543.)