§ 120‑216. Commissionduties.
The Commission shall have thefollowing duties:
(1) Study the needs ofchildren and youth. This study shall include, but is not limited to:
a. Determining theadequacy and appropriateness of services:
1. To children andyouth receiving child welfare services;
2. To children andyouth in the juvenile court system;
3. Provided by theDivision of Social Services and the Department of Juvenile Justice andDelinquency Prevention;
4. To children andyouth served by the Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and SubstanceAbuse Services system.
b. Developing methodsfor identifying and providing services to children and youth not receiving butin need of child welfare services, children and youth at risk of entering thejuvenile court system, and children and youth exposed to domestic violencesituations.
c. Developingstrategies for addressing the issues of school dropout, teen suicide, andadolescent pregnancy.
d. Identifying andevaluating the impact on children and youth of other economic and environmentalissues.
e. Identifyingobstacles to ensuring that children who are in secure or nonsecure custody areplaced in safe and permanent homes within a reasonable period of time andrecommending strategies for overcoming those obstacles. The Commission shallconsider what, if anything, can be done to expedite the adjudication and appealof abuse and neglect charges against parents so that decisions may be madeabout the safe and permanent placement of their children as quickly as possible.
(2) Evaluate problemsassociated with juveniles who are beyond the disciplinary control of theirparents, including juveniles who are runaways, and develop solutions foraddressing the problems of those juveniles.
(3) Identify strategiesfor the development and funding of a comprehensive statewide database relatingto children and youth to facilitate State agency planning for delivery ofservices to children and youth.
(4) Conduct any otherstudies, evaluations, or assessments necessary for the Commission to carry outits purpose. (1997‑390,s. 11; 1997‑443, s. 11A.118(b); 1999‑423, s. 5; 2000‑137, s.4(u); 2007‑323, s. 10.10(i).)