§120‑233. Assistance; per diem; subsistence; and travel allowances.
(a) The Committee maycontract for consulting services as provided by G.S. 120‑32.02. Uponapproval of the Legislative Services Commission, the Legislative ServicesOfficer shall assign professional and clerical staff to assist in the work ofthe Committee. The professional staff shall include the appropriate staff fromthe Fiscal Research, Research, Legislative Drafting, and Information SystemsDivisions of the Legislative Services Office of the General Assembly. Clericalstaff shall be furnished to the Committee through the offices of the Senate andthe House of Representatives Supervisors of Clerks. The expenses of employmentof the clerical staff shall be borne by the Committee. The Committee may meetin the Legislative Building or the Legislative Office Building upon theapproval of the Legislative Services Commission.
(b) Members of theCommittee shall receive per diem, subsistence, and travel allowances asfollows:
(1) Committee memberswho are members of the General Assembly, at the rate established in G.S. 120‑3.1.
(2) Committee memberswho are officials or employees of the State or of local government agencies, atthe rate established in G.S. 138‑6.
(3) All other Committeemembers, at the rate established in G.S. 138‑5. (1999‑237,s. 22(a).)