§ 120‑266. Purposes andpowers of Committee.
(a) The JointLegislative Committee on Domestic Violence shall examine, on a continuingbasis, domestic violence issues in North Carolina in order to make ongoingrecommendations to the General Assembly on ways to reduce incidences ofdomestic violence and to provide additional assistance to victims of domesticviolence. In this examination, the Committee shall:
(1) Study the budget,programs, and policies of the Domestic Violence Commission to determine ways inwhich the General Assembly may improve the effectiveness of the Commission;
(2) Study and evaluatethe funding sources and needs of domestic violence programs providing servicesto domestic violence victims and programs providing treatment to domestic violenceabusers;
(3) Study legal servicesfunding for domestic violence victims and explore additional sources offunding;
(4) Explore sources ofadditional funding for all domestic violence programs, including visitationcenters;
(5) Examine currentprograms and explore new programs to provide effective services to domesticviolence victims and treatment to domestic violence abusers;
(6) Examine lawenforcement and judicial responses to domestic violence;
(7) Review datacollected on domestic violence cases pursuant to G.S. 15A‑1382.1;
(8) Study theeffectiveness of the Crime Victims Rights Act as it relates to domesticviolence; and
(9) Conduct any otherstudies, evaluations, or assessments necessary for the Committee to carry outits purpose.
(b) The Committee maymake interim reports to the General Assembly on matters for which it may reportto a regular session of the General Assembly. A report to the General Assemblymay contain any legislation needed to implement a recommendation of theCommittee. (2005‑356,s. 1.)