§120‑2.2. Dividing precincts in Senate and House apportionment actsrestricted.
(a) An act of theGeneral Assembly that apportions Senate or House districts after the return ofa census may not divide precincts unless an act that apportioned Senate or Housedistricts after the return of that same census has been rejected by the UnitedStates Department of Justice or the District Court for the District of Columbiaunder section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
(b) If an act thatapportioned Senate or House districts has been rejected by the United StatesDepartment of Justice or the District Court for the District of Columbia undersection 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, then a subsequent act may onlydivide the minimum number of precincts necessary to obtain approval of the actunder section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965.
(c) This section doesnot prevent the General Assembly from taking any action to comply with federallaw or the Constitution of the United States. (1995, c. 355, s. 1; c. 509, s.135.2(h).)