§ 120‑30.45. Fiscalnote on legislation.
(a) Every bill andresolution introduced in the General Assembly proposing any change in the lawthat could increase or decrease expenditures or revenues of a unit of localgovernment shall have attached to it at the time of its consideration by theGeneral Assembly a fiscal note prepared by the Fiscal Research Division. Thefiscal note shall identify and estimate, for the first five fiscal years theproposed change would be in effect, all costs of the proposed legislation. If,after careful investigation, the Fiscal Research Division determines that nodollar estimate is possible, the note shall contain a statement to that effect,setting forth the reasons why no dollar amount can be given. No comment oropinion shall be included in the fiscal note with regard to the merits of themeasure for which the note is prepared. However, technical and mechanicaldefects may be noted.
(b) The sponsor of eachbill or resolution to which this section applies shall present a copy of thebill or resolution with the request for a fiscal note to the Fiscal ResearchDivision. Upon receipt of the request and the copy of the bill or resolution,the Fiscal Research Division shall prepare the fiscal note as promptly aspossible. The Fiscal Research Division shall prepare the fiscal note andtransmit it to the sponsor within two weeks after the request is made, unlessthe sponsor agrees to an extension of time.
(c) This fiscal noteshall be attached to the original of each proposed bill or resolution that isreported favorably by any committee of the General Assembly, but shall beseparate from the bill or resolution and shall be clearly designated as afiscal note. A fiscal note attached to a bill or resolution pursuant to thissubsection is not a part of the bill or resolution and is not an expression oflegislative intent proposed by the bill or resolution.
(d) If a committee ofthe General Assembly reports favorably a proposed bill or resolution with anamendment that proposes a change in the law that could increase or decreaseexpenditures or revenues of a unit of local government, the chair of thecommittee shall obtain from the Fiscal Research Division and attach to theamended bill or resolution a fiscal note as provided in this section.
(e) The Office of StateBudget and Management, the Department of Revenue, the Department of the StateTreasurer, the Department of the State Auditor, the State department mostdirectly concerned, and, where appropriate, officials of units of local government,upon the request of Fiscal Research Division, shall assist the Fiscal ResearchDivision in the preparation of the fiscal note.
(f) Copies of fiscalnotes prepared by the Fiscal Research Division shall be furnished to thesponsor of the bill or resolution, the chairmen of the Local GovernmentCommittees, and the chairmen of the Appropriations, Finance, Rules, or theSenate Ways and Means Committees as appropriate. (1979, 2nd Sess., c. 1262, s.5; 1995, c. 415, s. 6; 2000‑140, s. 93.1(a); 2001‑424, s. 12.2(b).)