§ 120‑30.49. Compilingfederal mandates; annual report.
(a) The Fiscal ResearchDivision shall, in consultation with the appropriate staff of the Research andBill Drafting Divisions, make an annual report to the General Assemblypertaining to the fiscal effect of federal mandates on, or federal law on whichis conditioned the receipt of federal funds by the State and units of localgovernment. The annual report on federal mandates shall include the following:
(1) A listing of federallaws that require the State and any unit of local government, including acounty, city, school administrative unit, or other local entity funded by orthrough a unit of local government to carry out additional or modifiedresponsibilities;
(2) An estimate of theamount of any increase or decrease in the costs to the State and units of localgovernment in providing or delivering public services required by federal lawthat are funded in whole or in part by the State or units of local government;and
(3) A listing of anyother federal actions directly affecting the expenditures or revenues of theState and units of local government.
(b) The Office of StateBudget and Management shall assist the Fiscal Research Division in thepreparation of the annual report on federal mandates upon the request of theDivision. Each State department, agency, or institution shall cooperate fullywith the Fiscal Research Division in compiling the annual report on federalmandates and shall supply information to the Division in accordance with G.S. 120‑32.01.The North Carolina Association of County Commissioners, the North CarolinaLeague of Municipalities, and units of local government shall cooperate withthe Fiscal Research Division in compiling the annual report on federalmandates, as requested, by supplying information relevant to the expendituresor revenues of units of local government.
(c) Copies of theannual report on federal mandates to the State and units of local governmentshall be provided to members of the General Assembly and to the Governor, theOffice of State Budget and Management, the North Carolina Association of CountyCommissioners, and the North Carolina League of Municipalities. (1995, c. 415, s. 7; 2000‑140,s. 93.1(a); 2001‑424, s. 12.2(b).)