§ 120‑32.1. Use andmaintenance of buildings and grounds.
(a) The LegislativeServices Commission shall:
(1) Establish policy forthe use of the State legislative buildings and grounds;
(2) Maintain and carefor the State legislative buildings and grounds, but the Commission maydelegate the actual work of the maintenance of those buildings and grounds tothe Department of Administration, which shall perform the work as delegated;
(3) Provide security forthe State legislative buildings and grounds;
(4) Allocate spacewithin the State legislative buildings and grounds; and
(5) Have the exclusiveauthority to assign parking space in the State legislative buildings andgrounds.
(b) The LegislativeServices Officer shall have posted the rules adopted by the LegislativeServices Commission under the authority of this section in a conspicuous placein the State Legislative Building and the Legislative Office Building. TheLegislative Services Officer shall have filed a copy of the rules, certified bythe chairman of the Legislative Services Commission, in the office of theSecretary of State and in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of WakeCounty. When so posted and filed, these rules shall constitute notice to allpersons of the existence and text of the rules. Any person, whether on his ownbehalf or for another, or acting as an agent or representative of any person,firm, corporation, partnership or association, who knowingly violates any ofthe rules adopted, posted and filed under the authority of this section isguilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor. Any person, firm, corporation, partnership orassociation who combines, confederates, conspires, aids, abets, solicits,urges, instigates, counsels, advises, encourages or procures another or othersto knowingly violate any of the rules adopted, posted and filed under theauthority of this section is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor.
(c) The LegislativeServices Commission may cause to be removed at the owner's expense any vehicleparked in the State legislative buildings and grounds in violation of the rulesof the Legislative Services Commission and may cause to be removed any vehicleparked in any State‑owned parking space leased to an employee of theGeneral Assembly where the vehicle is parked without the consent of theemployee to whom the space is leased.
(d) For the purposes ofthis section, the term "State legislative buildings and grounds"means:
(1) At all times:
a. The StateLegislative Building;
a1. Repealed by SessionLaws 1998‑156, s. 1, effective September 24, 1998.
a2. The areas between theouter walls of the State Legislative Building and the far curbline of thosesections of Jones, Wilmington, Salisbury, and Lane Streets that border the landon which it is situated;
b. The LegislativeOffice Building, which shall include the following areas:
1. The garden area andouter stairway;
2. The loading dockarea bounded by the wall on the east abutting the Halifax Street Mall, thesouthern edge of the southernmost exit lane on Salisbury Street for the parkingdeck, and the Salisbury Street sidewalk;
3. The area between itsouter wall and the near curbline of that section of Lane Street that bordersthe land on which it is situated; and
4. The area bounded byits western outer wall, the extension of a line along its northern outer wallto the middle of Salisbury Street, following the middle line of SalisburyStreet to the nearest point of the intersection of Lane and Salisbury Streets,and thence east to the near curbline of the Legislative Office Building at itssouthwestern corner;
c. Any State‑ownedparking lot which is leased to the General Assembly;
d. The bridge betweenthe State Legislative Building and the Halifax Street Mall;
e. A portion of thebrick sidewalk surface area of the Halifax Street Mall, described as follows:beginning at the northeast corner of the Legislative Office Building, thenceeast across the brick sidewalk to the inner edge of the sidewalk adjacent tothe grassy area of the Mall, thence south along the inner edge of the sidewalkto the southwest outer corner of the grassy area of the Mall, thence east alongthe inner edge of the sidewalk adjacent to the southern outer edge of thegrassy area of the Mall to a point north of the northeast corner of thepedestrian surface of the Lane Street pedestrian bridge, thence south from thatpoint to the northeast corner of the pedestrian surface of the bridge, thencewest along the southern edge of the brick sidewalk area of the Mall to thesoutheast corner of the Legislative Office Building, thence north along theeast wall of the Legislative Office Building, to the point of beginning; and
f. From the center ofLane Street to the far curbline on the south side of the street; between thewestern edge of the Lane Street driveway to the gardens behind the StateRecords Center, and Wilmington Street.
(2) Repealed by SessionLaws 1998‑156, s. 1, effective September 24, 1998. (1973, c. 99, s. 1; 1975, c.145, s. 3; 1981, c. 772, ss. 3, 4; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1044, s. 7(a);1993, c. 539, s. 913; 1994, Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 14(c); 1996, 2nd Ex. Sess., c.18, ss. 8(c), 8.1; 1998‑156, s. 1; 2003‑284, s. 19B.2; 2006‑264,s. 60.)