§ 120‑32.2. GeneralAssembly Special Police.
(a) All sworn membersof the General Assembly Special Police employed by the Legislative ServicesOffice are special police officers, and have all the powers of policemen ofcities, within any of the following areas of jurisdiction, while on officialduty:
(1) Within those areasof the City of Raleigh and of the unincorporated parts of Wake Countysurrounded by the innermost right‑of‑way of Interstate 440.
(2) In any part of theState:
a. While accompanying amember of the General Assembly who is conducting, or traveling to or from, hisor her official duties.
b. While preparing for,or providing security to, a session of either or both houses of the GeneralAssembly, or official events directly related to that session.
c. While performingadvance work and providing security for the protection of legislative members,staff, and the public for any meeting of a study, standing, select, or jointselect committee, or any commission meeting of the General Assembly, or anystate, regional, or national meetings of legislative bodies or organizationsrepresenting legislative bodies, and while accompanying a member of the GeneralAssembly to or from any event listed in this subdivision.
(b) General AssemblySpecial Police officers may arrest persons outside the areas described insubsection (a) of this section when the person arrested has committed acriminal offense within any of the areas, for which the officer could havearrested the person within that area, and the arrest is made during suchperson's immediate and continuous flight from that area.
(c) The GeneralAssembly Special Police officers have the exclusive authority andresponsibility for enforcing the parking rules of the Legislative ServicesCommission. (1975,c. 145, s. 1; 1981, c. 772, s. 5; 1991 (Reg. Sess., 1992), c. 1044, s. 7(b);2005‑359, s. 1; 2008‑145, s. 1.)