§ 120‑32.3. Oath ofGeneral Assembly Special Police officers.
Before exercising the dutiesof a special police officer, each General Assembly Special Police officer shalltake an oath before some officer empowered to administer oaths, and the oathsshall be filed with the Clerk of Superior Court of Wake County. The oath ofoffice shall be as follows:
"State of North Carolina,Wake County.
"I, ________, do solemnlyswear (or affirm) that I will well and truly execute the duties of GeneralAssembly Special Police officer in the State Legislative Building and otherbuildings and grounds subject to the jurisdiction of the Legislative ServicesCommission and in other areas designated by law, according to the best of myskill and ability and according to law; and that I will use my best endeavorsto enforce all rules and regulations of the Legislative Services Commissionconcerning use of those buildings and grounds and all laws of the State ofNorth Carolina. So help me, God.
"Sworn and subscribed tobefore me, this the ____ day of ______, A.D. ____"
(1975,c. 145, s. 2; 1981, c. 772, s. 6; 2005‑359, s. 2; 2008‑145, s. 2.)