§ 120‑70.101. Purposeand powers of Committee.
The Joint LegislativeAdministrative Procedure Oversight Committee has the following powers andduties:
(1) To review rules towhich the Rules Review Commission has objected to determine if statutorychanges are needed to enable the agency to fulfill the intent of the GeneralAssembly.
(2) To receive reportsprepared by the Rules Review Commission containing the text and a summary ofeach rule approved by the Commission.
(3) Repealed by SessionLaws 2009‑125, s. 1, effective October 1, 2009.
(3a) To review theactivities of State occupational licensing boards to determine if the boardsare operating in accordance with statutory requirements and if the boards arestill necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were created. Thisreview shall not include decisions concerning board personnel matters ordeterminations on individual licensing applications or individual disciplinaryactions.
(4) To review Stateregulatory programs to determine if the programs overlap, have conflictinggoals, or could be simplified and still achieve the purpose of the regulation.
(5) To review existingrules to determine if the rules are necessary or if the rules can bestreamlined.
(6) To review the rule‑makingprocess to determine if the procedures for adopting rules give the publicadequate notice of and information about proposed rules.
(7) To review any otherconcerns about administrative law to determine if statutory changes are needed.
(8) To report to theGeneral Assembly from time to time concerning the Committee's activities andany recommendations for statutory changes. (1995, c. 507, s. 27.8(a); 1996, 2nd Ex. Sess., c.18, s. 7.10(h); 2009‑125, s. 1.)