§ 120‑70.131. Purposeand powers of Committee.
(a) The JointLegislative Economic Development Oversight Committee shall examine, on acontinuing basis, economic growth and development issues and strategies inNorth Carolina in order to make ongoing recommendations to the General Assemblyon ways to promote cost‑effective economic development initiatives. Inthis examination, the Committee may:
(1) Study the budgets,programs, and policies of the Department of Commerce, the North CarolinaPartnership for Economic Development, and other State, regional, and localentities involved in economic development.
(2) Analyze legislationfrom other states regarding economic development.
(3) Analyze proposalsproduced by the Economic Development Board.
(4) Study any othermatters that the Committee considers necessary to fulfill its mandate.
(b) The Committee maymake interim reports to the General Assembly on matters for which it may reportto a regular session of the General Assembly. A report to the General Assembly maycontain any legislation needed to implement a recommendation of the Committee. (2005‑241, s. 7.)