§ 120‑70.132. Organization of Committee.
(a) The President ProTempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shalleach designate a cochair of the Joint Legislative Economic DevelopmentOversight Committee. The Committee shall meet upon the joint call of thecochairs.
(b) A quorum of theCommittee is seven members. Only recommendations, including proposedlegislation, receiving at least six affirmative votes may be included in aCommittee report to the General Assembly. While in the discharge of itsofficial duties, the Committee has the powers of a joint committee under G.S.120‑19 and G.S. 120‑19.1 through G.S. 120‑19.4.
(c) The cochairs of theCommittee may call upon other knowledgeable persons or experts to assist theCommittee in its work.
(d) Members of theCommittee shall receive subsistence and travel expenses as provided in G.S. 120‑3.1,138‑5, or 138‑6, as appropriate. The Committee may contract forconsultants or hire employees in accordance with G.S. 120‑32.02. TheLegislative Services Commission, through the Legislative Services Officer,shall assign professional staff to assist the Committee in its work. Upon thedirection of the Legislative Services Commission, the Supervisors of Clerks ofthe Senate and of the House of Representatives shall assign clerical staff tothe Committee. The expenses for clerical employees shall be borne by theCommittee. (2005‑241,s. 7.)