§120‑70.2. Appointment of members and organization.
The Joint Committee shallconsist of ten sitting members of the General Assembly. Five shall be appointedby the President Pro Tempore of the Senate from the membership of the Senateand five shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives fromthe membership of the House. Members will serve at the pleasure of theirappointing officer and any vacancies occurring on the Joint Committee shall befilled by the appointing officer of the appropriate house. The President ProTempore of the Senate shall designate one Senator to serve as cochairman andthe Speaker of the House of Representatives shall designate one Representativeto serve as cochairman. A quorum shall consist of six members. (1985,c. 499, s. 1; 1991, c. 739, s. 1; 1995, c. 440, s. 1; c. 542, s. 20.5.)