§ 120‑70.94. Purposeand powers of Committee.
(a) The JointLegislative Corrections, Crime Control, and Juvenile Justice OversightCommittee shall examine, on a continuing basis, the correctional, lawenforcement, and juvenile justice systems in North Carolina, in order to makeongoing recommendations to the General Assembly on ways to improve thosesystems and to assist those systems in realizing their objectives of protectingthe public and of punishing and rehabilitating offenders. In this examination, theCommittee shall:
(1) Study the budget,programs, and policies of the Departments of Correction, Crime Control andPublic Safety, and Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention to determineways in which the General Assembly may improve the effectiveness of thoseDepartments;
(2) Examine theeffectiveness of the Department of Correction in implementing the public policystated in G.S. 148‑26 of providing work assignments and employment forinmates as a means of reducing the cost of maintaining the inmate populationwhile enabling inmates to acquire or retain skills and work habits needed tosecure honest employment after their release;
(2a) Examine theeffectiveness of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety inimplementing the duties and responsibilities charged to the Department in G.S.143B‑474 and the overall effectiveness and efficiency of law enforcementin the State;
(2b) Examine theeffectiveness of the Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Preventionin implementing the duties and responsibilities charged to the Department inArticle 12 of Chapter 143B of the General Statutes and the overalleffectiveness and efficiency of the juvenile justice system in the State; and
(3) Study any othermatters that the Committee considers necessary.
(b) The Committee maymake interim reports to the General Assembly on matters for which it may reportto a regular session of the General Assembly. A report to the General Assemblymay contain any legislation needed to implement a recommendation of theCommittee. (1994,Ex. Sess., c. 24, s. 49(a); 1997‑443, s. 21.4(a); 2001‑138, s. 1.)