Joint LegislativeCommission on Governmental Operations.
§ 120‑71. Purpose.
The rapid increase in thefunctions and costs of State government and the complexity of agency operationsdeeply concern the General Assembly. Members of the General Assembly have theultimate responsibility for making public policy decisions and deciding onappropriations of public moneys. Knowledge of the public service needs beingmet, having evidence as to whether previous policy and appropriations haveresulted in expected program benefits, and data on how State governmentreorganization has affected agency operations are most important.
Legislative examination andreview of public policies, expenditures and reorganization implementation as anintegral part of legislative duties and responsibilities should bestrengthened. For the purpose of performing such continuing examination andevaluation of State agencies, [and] their actual effectiveness in programmingand in carrying out procedures under reorganization, the General Assemblyherein provides for the continuing review of operations of State government. (1975,c. 490.)