§120‑84.8. Powers and duties.
The Commission shall have thefollowing powers and duties:
(1) To review reportswhich propose future strategies, goals, or recommendations for North Carolina,and determine the status of the proposed strategies, goals, and recommendations.
(2) To reviewgovernmental and nongovernmental research and studies relating to current andfuture trends and events, and to assess the impact of these future trends andevents on future governmental policy.
(3) To review currentstatutes related to comprehensive planning at all levels of government andpropose changes considered most consistent with state‑of‑the‑artcomprehensive growth management and development policies.
(4) To review thehistory and current status of intergovernmental relationships in NorthCarolina.
(5) To conduct periodicsurveys to assess citizen attitudes toward current trends and determine theirimpact on strategic policy options.
(6) To undertake suchadditional studies, surveys, or evaluations as may, from time to time, berequested by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, the Speaker of the Houseof Representatives, the Legislative Research Commission, or either house of theGeneral Assembly.
(7) To appoint advisorycommittees, which may include government officials and interested citizens, toexamine specific issues as determined by the Commission. A Commission membershall be appointed chairman of such advisory committees.
(8) To conduct studiesof long range fiscal impact of proposals or policies under review by theCommission.
(9) To develop rulesregarding the selection, design, methodology, and execution of citizensattitude surveys, research and study topics for Commission approval andconsideration.
(10) To issue reports,forecasts, and recommendations to the General Assembly, from time to time, onmatters relating to the powers and duties set out in this section. (1989(Reg. Sess., 1990), c. 1066, s. 23.)