§ 120C‑601. Powers andduties of the Commission.
(a) The Commission mayinvestigate complaints of violations of this Chapter and shall refer complaintsrelated solely to Articles 2, 4, or 8 of this Chapter to the Secretary ofState.
(b) The Commission maypetition the Superior Court of Wake County for the approval to issue subpoenasand subpoenas duces tecum as necessary to conduct investigations of violationsof this Chapter. The court shall authorize subpoenas under this subsection whenthe court determines they are necessary for the enforcement of this Chapter.Subpoenas issued under this subsection shall be enforceable by the courtthrough contempt powers. Venue shall be with the Superior Court of Wake Countyfor any nonresident person, or that person's agent, who makes a reportableexpenditure under this Chapter, and personal jurisdiction may be asserted underG.S. 1‑75.4.
(c) Complaints ofviolations of this Chapter and all other records accumulated in conjunctionwith the investigation of these complaints shall be considered confidentialrecords and may be released only by order of a court of competent jurisdiction.Any information obtained by the Commission from any law enforcement agency,administrative agency, or regulatory organization on a confidential orotherwise restricted basis in the course of an investigation shall beconfidential and exempt from G.S. 132‑6 to the same extent that it isconfidential in the possession of the providing agency or organization. (2006‑201, s. 18; 2006‑259,s. 43.5(a); 2008‑213, s. 35.)