Salvage of AbandonedShipwrecks and Other Underwater Archaeological Sites.
§ 121‑22. Title tobottoms of certain waters and shipwrecks, etc., thereon declared to be inState.
Subject to Chapter 82 of theGeneral Statutes, entitled "Wrecks" and to the provisions of Chapter210, Session Laws of 1963, and to any statute of the United States, the titleto all bottoms of navigable waters within one marine league seaward from theAtlantic seashore measured from the extreme low watermark; and the title to allshipwrecks, vessels, cargoes, tackle, and underwater archaeological artifactswhich have remained unclaimed for more than 10 years lying on the said bottoms,or on the bottoms of any other navigable waters of the State, is herebydeclared to be in the State of North Carolina, and such bottoms, shipwrecks,vessels, cargoes, tackle, and underwater archaeological artifacts shall besubject to the exclusive dominion and control of the State. (1967,c. 533, s. 1.)