§121‑7.1. Maritime Museum; disposition of artifacts.
Notwithstanding Article 3A ofChapter 143 of the General Statutes, G.S. 143‑49(4), or any other lawpertaining to surplus State property, the Department of Cultural Resources,with the approval of the North Carolina Historical Commission, may sell, trade,or place on permanent loan any artifact from the collection of the NorthCarolina Maritime Museum unless the sale, trade, or loan would be contrary tothe terms of the acquisition. Sales or exchanges shall be conducted inaccordance with generally accepted practices for accredited museums. If anartifact is sold, the net proceeds of the sale shall be deposited in the Statetreasury to the credit of a special fund to be used for the improvement of the Museum'scollections or exhibits. (1998‑212, s. 21(b).)