§ 122A‑5.4. Housing forpersons and families of moderate income.
(a) The GeneralAssembly hereby finds and determines that there is a serious shortage ofdecent, safe and sanitary housing which persons and families of moderate incomein the State can afford; that it is in the best interests of the State toencourage home ownership by persons and families of moderate income; that theassistance provided by this section will enable persons and families ofmoderate income to acquire existing decent, safe and sanitary housing withoutundue financial hardship and will encourage private enterprise to sponsor,build and rehabilitate additional housing for such persons and families; andthat the Agency in providing such assistance is promoting the health, welfare andprosperity of all citizens of the State and is serving a public purpose for thebenefit of the general public.
(b) The terms"persons and families of lower income" and "persons of lowerincome" wherever they appear in this Chapter, except where they appear inG.S. 122A‑2 and G.S. 122A‑3, shall be deemed to include"persons and families of moderate income" as defined in clause (c) ofthis section.
(c) "Persons andfamilies of moderate income" means persons and families deemed by theAgency to require the assistance made available by this Chapter on account ofinsufficient personal or family income taking into consideration, withoutlimitation, (i) the amount of the total income of such persons and familiesavailable for housing needs, (ii) the size of the family, (iii) the cost andcondition of housing facilities available and (iv) the eligibility of suchpersons and families for federal housing assistance of any type predicated upona moderate or low and moderate income basis. (1979, c. 810; 2008‑107, s. 21.1(b).)