§ 122C‑14. (Thisarticle has a contingent effective date see note) Local Consumer Advocate;duties.
(a) The State ConsumerAdvocate shall establish a Local MH/DD/SA Consumer Advocacy Program inlocations in the State to be designated by the Secretary. In determining whereto locate the Local Consumer Advocacy Programs, the Secretary shall ensurereasonable consumer accessibility to the Local Consumer Advocates. LocalConsumer Advocates shall administer the Local Consumer Advocacy Programs. TheState Consumer Advocate shall appoint a Local Consumer Advocate for each of theLocal Consumer Advocacy Programs. The State Consumer Advocate shall supervisethe Local Consumer Advocates.
(b) Pursuant topolicies and procedures established by the State Consumer Advocate, the LocalConsumer Advocate shall:
(1) Assist consumers andtheir families with information, referral, and advocacy in obtainingappropriate services.
(2) Assist consumers andtheir families in understanding their rights and remedies available to themfrom the public service system.
(3) Serve as a liaisonbetween consumers and their families and facility personnel and administration.
(4) Promote thedevelopment of consumer and citizen involvement in addressing issues relatingto MH/DD/SA.
(5) Visit the State,area authority, or county program facilities to review and evaluate the qualityof care provided to consumers and submit findings to the State ConsumerAdvocate.
(6) Work with providersand consumers and their families or advocates to resolve issues of commonconcern.
(7) Participate inregular Local Consumer Advocate training established by the State ConsumerAdvocate.
(8) Report regularly toarea authorities and county programs, county and area authority boards, andboards of county commissioners about the Local Consumer Advocate's activities,including the findings made pursuant to subdivision (5) of this subsection.
(9) Provide training andtechnical assistance to counties, area authority boards, and providersconcerning responding to consumers, evaluating quality of care, and determiningavailability of services and access to resources.
(10) Coordinate activitieswith local human rights committees based on procedures developed by the StateConsumer Advocate.
(11) Provide informationto the public on MH/DD/SA issues.
(12) Perform any otherrelated duties as directed by the State Consumer Advocate. (2001‑437, s. 2; 2002‑126,s. 10.30; 2003‑284, s. 10.10; 2005‑276, s. 10.27.)