§122C‑183. Appointment of employees as police officers who may arrestwithout warrant.
The director of each Statefacility may appoint as special police officers the number of employees oftheir respective facilities they consider necessary. Within the grounds of theState facility the employees appointed as special police officers have all thepowers of police officers of cities. They have the right to arrest withoutwarrant individuals committing violations of the State law or the ordinances orrules of that facility in their presence and to bring the offenders before amagistrate who shall proceed as in other criminal cases. (1899,c. 1, s. 55; 1901, c. 627; Rev., s. 4569; C.S., s. 6181; 1921, c. 207; 1957, c.1232, s. 12; 1959, c. 1002, s. 12; 1973, c. 108, s. 73; c. 673, s. 12.1; 1981,c. 635, s. 5; 1985, c. 589, s. 2.)