§122C‑224.7. Discharge.
(a) The responsibleprofessional shall unconditionally discharge a minor from treatment at any timethat it is determined that the minor is no longer mentally ill or a substanceabuser, or no longer in need of treatment at the facility.
(b) The legallyresponsible person may file a written request for discharge from the facilityat any time. The facility may hold the minor in the facility for 72 hoursafter receipt of the request for discharge. If the responsible professionalbelieves that the minor is mentally ill and dangerous to himself or others, hemay file a petition for involuntary commitment under the provisions of Part 7of this Article. If the responsible professional believes that the minor is asubstance abuser and dangerous to himself or others, he may file a petition forinvoluntary commitment under the provisions of Part 8 of this Article. If anorder authorizing the holding of the minor under involuntary commitmentprocedures is issued, further treatment and holding shall follow the provisionsof Part 7 or Part 8 whichever is applicable. If an order authorizing theholding of the minor under involuntary commitment procedures is not issued, theminor shall be discharged.
(c) If a client reachesage 18 while in treatment, and the client refuses to sign an authorization forcontinued treatment within 72 hours of reaching 18, he shall be dischargedunless the responsible professional obtains an order to hold the client underthe provisions of Part 7 or Part 8 of this Article pursuant to an involuntarycommitment. (1975, c. 839; 1977, c. 756; 1979, c. 171, s. 1; 1983,c. 889, ss. 1, 2; 1985, c. 589, s. 2; 1987, c. 370, s. 1.)