§122C‑27. Powers of the Secretary.
The Secretary shall:
(1) Administer andenforce the provisions, rules, and decisions pursuant to this Article;
(2) Appoint hearingofficers to conduct appeals under this Article;
(3) Prescribe by rulethe contents of the application for licensure and renewal;
(4) Inspect facilitiesand records of each facility to be licensed under this Article under the rulesand decisions pursuant to this Article;
(5) Issue a license upona finding that the applicant and facility comply with the provisions of thisArticle and the rules of the Commission and the Secretary;
(6) Define by ruleprocedures for submission of periodic reports by facilities licensed under thisArticle;
(7) Grant, deny,suspend, or revoke a license under this Article;
(8) In accordance withrules of the Commission, make final agency decisions for appeals from thedenial, suspension, or revocation of a license in accordance with G.S. 122C‑24;and
(9) In accordance withrules of the Commission, grant waiver for good cause of any rules implementingthis Article that do not affect the health, safety, or welfare of individualswithin a licensable facility. (1983, c. 718, s. 1; 1985, c.589, s. 2.)