§122C‑402. Application of State highway and motor vehicle laws at Stateinstitutions on Camp Butner reservation.
The provisions of Chapter 20of the General Statutes relating to the use of the highways of the State andthe operation of motor vehicles thereon are made applicable to the streets,alleys, and driveways on the Camp Butner reservation that are on the grounds ofany State facility or any State institution operated by the Department or bythe Department of Correction. Any person violating any of the provisions ofChapter 20 of the General Statutes in or on these streets, alleys, or drivewaysshall upon conviction be punished as prescribed in that Chapter. This sectiondoes not interfere with the ownership and control of the streets, alleys, and drivewayson the grounds as is now vested by law in the Department. (1949,c. 71, s. 2; 1955, c. 887, s. 1; 1959, c. 1028, s. 4; 1963, c. 1166, s. 10;1973, c. 476, s. 133; 1985, c. 589, s. 2.)