§ 122C‑408. ButnerPublic Safety Division of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety;jurisdiction; fire and police district.
(a) The Secretary ofCrime Control and Public Safety may employ special police officers for theterritory of the Butner Reservation. The Secretary of Crime Control and PublicSafety shall contract with the Town of Butner to provide fire and policeprotection to those areas within the incorporated limits of the Town of Butner.The territorial jurisdiction of these officers shall consist of the propertyshown on a map produced May 20, 2003, by the Information Systems Division ofthe North Carolina General Assembly and kept on file in the office of theButner Town Manager and in the office of Director of the Butner Public SafetyDivision of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety and suchadditional areas which are within the incorporated limits of the Town of Butneras shown on a map to be kept in the office of the Butner Town Manager and inthe office of Director of the Butner Public Safety Division of the Departmentof Crime Control and Public Safety. The Secretary of Crime Control and PublicSafety may organize these special police officers into a public safetydepartment for that territory and may establish it as a division within thatprincipal department as permitted by Chapter 143B of the General Statutes.
(b) After taking theoath of office required for law‑enforcement officers, the special policeofficers authorized by this section shall have the authority of deputy sheriffsof Durham and Granville Counties in those counties respectively. Within theterritorial jurisdiction stated in subsection (a) of this section, the specialpolice officers have the primary responsibility to enforce the laws of NorthCarolina, the ordinances of the Town of Butner, and any rule applicable to theButner Reservation adopted under authority of this Part or under G.S. 143‑116.6or G.S. 143‑116.7 or under the authority granted any other agency of theState and also have the powers set forth for firemen in Articles 80, 82 and 83of Chapter 58 of the General Statutes. Any civil or criminal process to beserved on any individual confined at any State facility within the territorialjurisdiction described in subsection (a) of this section shall be forwarded bythe sheriff of the county in which the process originated to the Director ofthe Butner Public Safety Division. Special police officers authorized by thissection shall be assigned to transport any individual transferred to or from anyState facility within the territorial jurisdiction described in subsection (a)of this section to or from the psychiatric service of the University of NorthCarolina Hospitals at Chapel Hill.
(c) The contractbetween the Town of Butner and the Department of Crime Control and PublicSafety shall provide that:
(1) The Butner PublicSafety Division of the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety shallprovide the same level of service to the incorporated area known as the Town ofButner as provided to those areas of the Town of Butner served by Butner PublicSafety on January 1, 2007;
(2) The Town of Butnershall pay to the State Treasurer, on or before May 1 of each year, for depositin the General Fund an amount equal to the amount that actually would have beencollected from real and personal property ad valorem taxes due January 5, 2007,in the area incorporated as the Town of Butner effective July 1, 2007, assuminga tax of twenty‑five cents (25¢) per one hundred dollars ($100.00)valuation of all real and personal property in said area increased effectiveJuly 1 of each year by the increase in the percentage change in the ConsumerPrice Index published by the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of LaborStatistics, for the southeast region, all urban consumers (or if that datashall no longer be available, the closest equivalent substitute then inpublication by the United States Government) for the previous year endedDecember 31st;
(3) If additional areasare added to the incorporated limits of the Town of Butner, the payments dueunder the contract shall be increased by an amount equal to the amount thatactually would have been collected from real and personal property ad valoremtaxes due January 5 of the year of incorporation of such area if said incorporationoccurs on or before May 1 or the amount collected for the preceding year ifsaid incorporation occurs prior to May 1 of the then current year assuming atax of twenty‑five cents (25¢) per one hundred dollars ($100.00)valuation of all real and personal property in said area and increased yearlyas set out above; and
(4) The Town of Butnerand the Department of Crime Control and Public Safety may by mutual agreementmodify the amounts required to be paid by the Town of Butner pursuant to subdivisions(2) and (3) of this subsection. (1949, c. 71, s. 6; 1955, c. 887, s. 1; 1959, c. 35;c. 1028, s. 4; 1963, c. 1166, s. 10; 1973, c. 476, s. 133; 1981, c. 491, s. 1;c. 964, s. 19; c. 1127, s. 49; 1983, c. 761, s. 165; 1985, c. 589, s. 2; 1987,c. 827, s. 246; 1989, c. 141, s. 16; 2003‑346, s. 2; 2007‑269, s.7.)