Part 3. North Carolina Alcoholism Research Authority.
§ 122C‑431. NorthCarolina Alcoholism Research Authority created.
(a) The North CarolinaAlcoholism Research Authority is created and shall consist of and be governedby a nine‑member board to be appointed by the Governor. Three of themembers shall be appointed for a two‑year term, three shall be appointedfor a four‑year term and three shall be appointed for a six‑yearterm; thereafter all appointments shall be for terms of six years. Any vacancyoccurring in the membership of the board shall be filled by the Governor forthe unexpired term.
(b) The board shallelect one of its members as chairman and one as vice‑chairman. Thedirector of the Center for Alcohol Studies of The University of North Carolinaat Chapel Hill shall serve ex officio as executive secretary to the Authority.Board members shall receive the same per diem, subsistence, and travelallowances as members of similar State boards and commissions, provided fundsare available in the "Alcoholism Research Fund" for this purpose. (1973,c. 682, ss. 1, 2; 1985, c. 589, s. 2.)