Clients' Rights andAdvance Instruction.
Part 1. Client's Rights.
§ 122C‑51. Declarationof policy on clients' rights.
It is the policy of the Stateto assure basic human rights to each client of a facility. These rights includethe right to dignity, privacy, humane care, and freedom from mental andphysical abuse, neglect, and exploitation. Each facility shall assure to eachclient the right to live as normally as possible while receiving care andtreatment.
It is further the policy ofthis State that each client who is admitted to and is receiving services from afacility has the right to treatment, including access to medical care andhabilitation, regardless of age or degree of mental illness, developmentaldisabilities, or substance abuse. Each client has the right to anindividualized written treatment or habilitation plan setting forth a programto maximize the development or restoration of his capabilities. (1973,c. 475, s. 1; c. 1436, ss. 1, 8; 1985, c. 589, s. 2; 1989, c. 625, s. 7; 1997‑442,s. 1.)