§122D‑18. Account and audits.
(a) Subject to theprovisions of any contract with the holders of its bonds, the Authority shallestablish a system of accounts.
(b) The Authority maycause an independent audit of its books and accounts to be prepared annuallyand the cost thereof may be paid from any available moneys of the Authority.
(c) Within six monthsafter the end of each fiscal year, the Authority shall submit to the Governorand to the General Assembly an annual report on the operations of the Authority.Within 60 days after receipt thereof, the Authority shall submit to theGovernor and to the General Assembly a copy of the report of every audit of thebooks and accounts of the Authority. (1983, c. 789, s. 1; 1985(Reg. Sess., 1986), c. 1011, s. 1; 1989, c. 500, s. 109(e); 1989 (Reg. Sess.,1990), c. 1074, s. 32(b).)