§122E‑4. North Carolina Housing Partnership created; compensation;organization.
(a) The North CarolinaHousing Partnership is hereby created within the North Carolina Housing FinanceAgency to establish policy, promulgate rules and regulations, and oversee theoperation of the Fund. The Partnership shall be constituted to coordinateprivate enterprise and investment with public efforts to address the seriousshortage of decent, safe, and affordable housing for low and moderate incomecitizens of this State.
(b) The Partnershipshall consist of 13 members as follows:
(1) The ExecutiveDirector of the North Carolina Housing Finance Agency shall serve ex officio;
(2) The Secretary of theDepartment of Commerce or his designee shall serve ex officio;
(3) The State Treasureror his designee shall serve ex officio;
(4) In accordance withG.S. 120‑121, five members shall be appointed by the General Assemblyupon the recommendation of the President Pro Tempore of the Senate, providedthat one member shall be a representative of the homebuilding industry, onemember shall be a low income housing advocate, and one member shall be arepresentative of the League of Municipalities;
(5) In accordance withG.S. 120‑121, five members shall be appointed by the General Assemblyupon the recommendation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives,provided that one member shall be a representative of the real estate lendingindustry; one member shall be a representative of a non‑profit housingdevelopment corporation; and one member shall be a resident of low incomehousing.
The members of the Partnershipshall elect one of their members to serve as Chairman for a term of one year.Seven members of the Partnership shall constitute a quorum. All members shallhave the right to vote on all issues before the Partnership.
(c) Members of thePartnership shall serve for three year terms. Initial terms shall begin onSeptember 1, 1987. Appointed members shall serve until their successors areappointed and qualify.
(d) Vacancies in theoffices of any appointed members shall be filled in accordance with G.S. 120‑122for the remainder of the unexpired term. No vacant office shall be included inthe determination of a quorum. No vacancy in office shall impair the rights ofthe members to exercise all rights and conduct the official business of thePartnership.
(e) Members of thePartnership shall receive as compensation for each day spent on work for thePartnership such actual expenses as may be incurred for such travel andsubsistence in the performance of official duties and such per diem as isallowed by law for other such State boards and commissions. Members shall notreceive a salary for the performance of their duties as members.
(f) The Partnershipshall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To promulgate rulesand regulations governing all policy matters relating to the implementation ofall programs for uses of the Fund and the Partnership's oversight of theAgency's administration of the Fund.
(2) To promote thedevelopment of a coordinated State low income housing plan.
(3) To obtain necessaryinformation from other State agencies concerning housing; and
(4) To allocate moniescontained in the Fund.
(g) The Partnership mayappoint an Executive Director. The Executive Director shall be empowered toemploy such additional professional and clerical assistance as the Partnershipmay deem necessary to administer the provisions of this Chapter. All employeesof the Partnership, other than the Executive Director, shall be compensated inaccordance with the salary schedules adopted pursuant to the State PersonnelAct. The Partnership and the Agency may enter into agreements for the use ofAgency staff to assist the Partnership and the provision of administrativesupport for the Partnership by the Agency.
(h) The Partnershipshall meet quarterly and can meet more regularly upon the call of the Chairmanor upon written request of four members.
(i) Members of thePartnership may not receive any direct benefit from, or participate in, the programsof the Fund. Members of the Partnership may be employed by, or serve as a boardmember of, a nonprofit entity participating in a program of the Fund if themember discloses the employment or the membership in the minutes of thePartnership and does not vote on any matter pertaining to the entity'sparticipation. This policy applies to:
(1) Individual membersof the Partnership;
(2) Businesses,corporations, or partnerships owned in whole or in part by members of thePartnership; and
(3) The immediate familymembers of the members of the Partnership. (1987, c. 841, s. 1; 1989, c.727, s. 223(c); c. 751, ss. 7(12), 9(c); c. 754, s. 53; 1991 (Reg. Sess.,1992), c. 959, s. 31; 1995, c. 490, s. 25.)