Procedure in Impeachment.
§ 123‑6. Articles ofimpeachment preferred.
All impeachments must bedelivered by the House of Representatives to the presiding officer of theSenate, who shall thereupon cause proclamation to be made in the followingwords:
"All persons are commanded to keep silence, onpain of imprisonment, while the House of Representatives is exhibiting to theSenate of North Carolina articles of impeachment against ______."
After which the articles shallbe exhibited, and then the presiding officer of the Senate shall inform theHouse of Representatives that the Senate will take proper order on the subjectof impeachment, of which due notice shall be given to the House ofRepresentatives. (1868‑9, c. 168, ss. 2, 3; Code, s. 2925; Rev.,s. 4630; C.S., s. 6249.)