§125‑7. State policy as to public library service; annual appropriationtherefor; administration of funds.
(a) It is herebydeclared the policy of the State to promote the establishment and developmentof public library service throughout all sections of the State.
(b) For promoting,aiding, and equalizing public library service in North Carolina a sum shallannually be appropriated out of the moneys within the State treasury to beknown as the Aid to Public Libraries Fund.
(c) The fund hereinprovided shall be administered by the Department of Cultural Resources, whichshall frame bylaws, rules and regulations for the allocation and administrationof such funds. The funds shall be used to improve, stimulate, increase andequalize public library service to the people of the whole State, shall be usedfor no other purpose, except as herein provided, and shall be allocated amongthe legally established municipal, county or regional libraries in the Statetaking into consideration local needs, area and population to be served, localinterest and such other factors as may affect the State program of publiclibrary service.
(d) For the necessaryexpenses of administration, allocation, and supervision, a sum not to exceedseven percent (7%) of the annual appropriation may annually be used by theDepartment of Cultural Resources.
(e) The fundappropriated under this section shall be separate and apart from theappropriations of the Department of Cultural Resources, which appropriationshall not be affected by this section or the appropriation hereunder.
(f) Repealed bySession Laws 1973, c. 476, s. 84. (1955, c. 505, s. 3; 1973, c.476, s. 84; 1979, c. 578.)