§126‑30. Fraudulent disclosure and willful nondisclosure on applicationfor State employment; penalties.
(a) Any employee whoknowingly and willfully discloses false or misleading information, or concealsdishonorable military service; or conceals prior employment history or otherrequested information, either of which are significantly related to jobresponsibilities on an application for State employment may be subjected todisciplinary action up to and including immediate dismissal from employment. Dismissalshall be mandatory where the applicant discloses false or misleadinginformation in order to meet position qualifications. Application forms forState employment shall include a statement informing applicants of theconsequences of such fraudulent disclosure or lack of disclosure.
(b) The employingauthority within each department, university, board, or commission, shallverify the status of credentials and the accuracy of statements contained inthe application of each new employee within 90 days from the date of theemployees employment. Failure to verify the application shall not bar actionunder subsection (a) above.
(c) The State PersonnelCommission shall issue rules and procedures to implement this section for alldepartments, agencies and institutions which are not exempted from the StatePersonnel Act under G.S. 126‑5(c1). Each agency, department andinstitution which is exempted under G.S. 126‑5(c1) shall issueregulations to implement this section pursuant to the rulemaking procedures applicableto it. (1987, c. 666, s. 1.)