Employee Appeals ofGrievances and Disciplinary Action.
§ 126‑34. Grievanceappeal for career State employees.
Unless otherwise provided inthis Chapter, any career State employee having a grievance arising out of ordue to the employee's employment and who does not allege unlawful harassment ordiscrimination because of the employee's age, sex, race, color, nationalorigin, religion, creed, handicapping condition as defined by G.S. 168A‑3,or political affiliation shall first discuss the problem or grievance with theemployee's supervisor and follow the grievance procedure established by theemployee's department or agency. Any State employee having a grievance arisingout of or due to the employee's employment who alleges unlawful harassment becauseof the employee's age, sex, race, color, national origin, religion, creed, orhandicapping condition as defined by G.S. 168A‑3 shall submit a writtencomplaint to the employee's department or agency. The department or agencyshall have 60 days within which to take appropriate remedial action. If theemployee is not satisfied with the department or agency's response to thecomplaint, the employee shall have the right to appeal directly to the StatePersonnel Commission. (1975. c. 667, s. 10; 1987, c. 320, s. 6; 1991, c.354, s. 4; 1998‑135, s. 2.)