Local Discretion as toLocal Government Employees.
§ 126‑9. County ormunicipal employees may be made subject to rules adopted by local governingbody.
(a) When a board ofcounty commissioners adopts rules and regulations governing annual leave, sickleave, hours of work, holidays, and the administration of the pay plan forcounty employees generally and the county rules and regulations are filed withthe State Personnel Director, the county rules will supersede the rules adoptedby the State Personnel Commission as to the county employees otherwise subjectto the provisions of this Chapter.
(b) No county employeesotherwise subject to the provisions of this Chapter may be paid a salary lessthan the minimum nor more than the maximum of the applicable salary rangeadopted in accordance with this Chapter without approval of the State PersonnelCommission. Provided, however, that subject to the approval of the StatePersonnel Commission, a board of county commissioners may adjust the salaryranges applicable to employees who are otherwise subject to the provisions ofthis Chapter, in order to cause the level of pay to conform to local financialability and fiscal policy. The State Personnel Commission shall adopt policiesand regulations to ensure that significant relationships within the schedule ofsalary ranges are maintained.
(c) When two or morecounties are combined into a district for the performance of an activity whoseemployees are subject to the provisions of this Chapter, the boards of countycommissioners of the counties may jointly exercise the authority hereinabovegranted in subsections (a) and (b) of this section.
(d) When a municipalityis performing an activity by or through employees which are subject to theprovisions of this Chapter, the governing body of the municipality may exercisethe authority hereinabove granted in subsections (a) and (b) of this section. (1965,c. 640, s. 2; 1975, c. 667, s. 2.)