§ 127A‑118. Organizations may own property; actions.
Organizations of the NationalGuard and naval militia shall have the right to own and keep real and personalproperty, which shall belong to the organization; and the commanding officer ofany organization may recover for its use debts or effects belonging to it, ordamages for injury to such property, action for such recovery to be brought inthe name of the commanding officer thereof before any court of justice withinthe State having jurisdiction; and no suit or complaint pending in his nameshall be abated by his ceasing to be commanding officer of the organization;but upon motion of the commander succeeding him such commander shall beadmitted to prosecute the suit or complaint in like manner and with like effectas if it had been originally commenced by him. (1917, c. 200, s. 92; C.S., s. 6872; 1975, c. 604, s.2; 2009‑281, s. 1.)